Wednesday, November 14, 2007

# 5 Wiki exercises

As part of this exercise I have added my blog to plmc wiki and added pages to the team wiki and will now look at ways of improving presentation and content to that site.

It may be the day or time but the main issue seems to be one of speed of internet access to open and change pages and content. Its preference for Firefox is also frustrating as you forget which browser works best for what

Changes to our website to make use of wikis
"Resource guides" rather than the more formal collage software management system which while very good is more appropriate for fixed information and does not encourage more staff to keep pages alive and uptodate.
Lifelong learning - how to notes for public paticipants - could be a good model for adding comments and encouraging self paced sessions when subject training not being held or for things like how to use the catalogue

Sites which we could use as models for providing subject guide information

Ohio University's Biz Wiz

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

I have always used IE to update the PLCMC wiki and it has always worked fine for me.
